Terms of Service

By using this service, you automatically agree with the following terms and conditions
Last edit: 09.08.2016
These terms and conditions can be changed at any time with following notification (e-mail, Telegram)
1. sNode.Space is trying to ensure the continuous availability of this service. Nevertheless, a claim to constant availability does not exist. All services in connection with this service will be provided on voluntary basis only.
2. The users email address or Telegram account are required to protect this service. sNode.Space reserves the right to occasionally inform the user about new features of this service or offers.
1. It is not allowed to upload files that violate applicable laws of your country or the country of people who download these files.
2. The user is solely responsible for the content of uploaded files and obligates itself to release sNode.Space from any demands of third parties against file hosting.
The use of files provided by sNode.Space is at your own risk. This refers in particular to the functionality and availability of files as well as damage caused by the use of the files. sNode.Space cannot guarantee that the provided files are virus-free.
1. sNode.Space has the right to collect personal user data, process and utilize, in providing for the establishment, content or design changes to the service, and thus the related services are needed.
2. sNode.Space has the right to collect personal data on the use of the service, process and utilize, to the extent necessary to enable the user to use of services (usage data).